Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I love apples

Previously, I posted my thoughts regarding teacher crap with apples on it. I might have gone as far as to say that I hated apples. Well, a student gave me two bags of apples as a gift. And it turned out okay.

I sat in front of a movie yesterday skinning and chopping all of the apples for homemade applesauce. I've never made it before. The recipe is simple (this is for a large Crockpot):
  1. Peel and core apples
  2. Slice them into thin slices
  3. When the Crockpot is half full, sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon across the top.
  4. Finish peeling, coring, and slicing.
  5. When the Crockpot is completely full, sprinkle another teaspoon of cinnamon over the top.
  6. Dump in a cup of honey
  7. Dump in a 1/2 cup of water
  8. Cook on low for the night
I grew up watching Monday Night Football with my dad. In the colder months, he would sit and make applesauce. I don't remember him making it at any other time. It's possible, but I only remember the football games. Like I said before, this was my first time trying to make applesauce. It smells good. But I don't know if I did it right. It tastes all right (or so says mom on the way to the airport at 4:30 this morning), and it's kind of hard to mess up Crockpot recipes. So who cares? I cooked something.

But more importantly, it's a fun memory of my dad on another Christmas without him. My life has been quite a bit like Crockpot applesauce, not knowing what I'm doing at times but trying my hardest to follow my dad's recipe. Sometimes it feels like I'm wandering through this life, shooting goals and hopes and dreams into a dreary, foggy landscape. It would be nice to at least ask my dad which way to aim. But it's not in the bag of apples I've been given. And it doesn't matter whether or not I like it. It just is.

I look forward to breakfast this morning, fresh dutch babies and hot applesauce. It will turn out alright, Christmas, applesauce, and life...thanks to God's provisions. So here's to memories, gifts, and traditions. Merry Christmas everybody.


Nathan Charlan said...

Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoy the applesauce. If there's any leftovers, I'd love to try it. Would trade for some deer, elk or antelope steaks :) Good blog man.

Anonymous said...

Great blog man!

We made crockpot applesauce this morning too - I never put the water in it but it turns out OK. It is the best on dad's wheat pancakes with real maple syrup, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Keep shooting at your dreams and be careful of your nose... ;)


Joel E. Jacobson said...

After 9 people, there's just a little left. I'll stick it in the freezer for you.

very funny. I'll write a blog about that someday.

my3boys said...

Hi Mr. J,
I am a parent of a student of Mrs. Jacobson at Lincoln Academy. I also read Tricia W's blog. I saw your comment and checked out your blog and your myspace. One of your blogs questions how to spell "schpeal." As Sarah might tell you, I'm a dorky librarian type, so I dug and dug until I found this:

spiel /spil, ʃpil/ Pronunciation Key - [speel, shpeel] –noun
1. a usually high-flown talk or speech, esp. for the purpose of luring people to a movie, a sale, etc.; pitch.
–verb (used without object)
2. to speak extravagantly.
(it also said in its original Yiddish, it is spelled shpil).

Just thought I'd share my findings.

Dana Frerich

Anonymous said...

I made applesauce again last night.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good!
